Christ's Lutheran Church in 1938

Pastor A. Walter Baker, conducting services.

The congregation voted $60, or $5 per month ($787 and $66, respectively, in 2006 dollars) for benevolence (the synod appropriation).

The Woodstock Region in 1938

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The United States in 1938

[ Franklin D. Roosevelt ]

Franklin D. Roosevelt (Democrat) was President. The 75th Congress was in session. (The midterm elections that year would elect the 76th Congress.) A dollar in that year would be worth $13.11 in 2006 for most consumable products.

The 46-year-old Philadelphia investment firm Edward B. Smith & Co. merged with the 61-year-old Philadelphia investment banking firm Charles D. Barney & Co. to form Smith Barney & Co.

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The World at Large in 1938

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