Christ's Lutheran Church in 1960

[ Pastor Norman C. Krapf ] Pastor G. Oliver Sands retired in January. In June, Norman C. Krapf, pictured here, began conducting services. He was fresh out of Mt. Airy Seminary in Philadelphia, where professors Martin Heinecken and Theodore Tapert taught the importance of the Church's role in social issues.

Edgar Shultis objected to restricting communion to Lutherans only. Pastor Krapf restated his opinion. The congregation voted that invitation to communion should be extended to all those guests who love God and who are members in good standing in some other church.

The fund for building the Fellowship Hall in back of the church had reached $4,804.43 ($30,988.57 in 2006 dollars). Raising money was difficult, and the project foundered for a while.

The budget included line items for the organist ($50 [$322.50 in 2006 dollars]), janitor ($50 [$322.50] ), treasurer ($5 [$32.25]). The item for choir director ($450 [$2,902.50]) was deleted.

Tokens of appreciation of $50 ($322.50 in 2006 dollars) each were given to the organist and to the treasurer. Elsa Holumzer, 50, sent a letter requesting that Emelie Gray be asked to serve as assistant organist and to be prepared to take over in the future as official organist.

The average Sunday attendance was 55.

At Lutheran Theological Seminary in Gettysburg, PA, a woman was an influential teacher of sociology.

The Woodstock Region in 1960

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The United States in 1960

[ Dwight D. Eisenhower ]

Dwight D. Eisenhower (Republican) was President. The 86th Congress was in session. A dollar in that year would be worth $6.45 in 2006 for most consumable products.

Some 69.5% of Americans 17 years and older were high school graduates; this number was nearly a sixth again as many as a decade earlier. During this year, about 1,858,000 Americans graduated from high school (about half again as many as a decade earlier), 392,440 from college (a slight drop from a decade earlier). The median school years completed by Americans overall was 10.5 years, an increase of a year and 2 months from a decade earlier.

Nearly 70% of all Americans lived in cities of 2,500 or more. (This was more than a 15% increase from a decade earlier.)

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The World at Large in 1960

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