Christ's Lutheran Church in 1984

Pastor Kenneth Jetto, conducting services.

The following is from the report of the annual congregational meeting on December 9(1):

Unless otherwise indicated in a footnote, excerpts from church records or from The Scroll are cited in Anderson, Mark J., For All the Saints: Christ's Lutheran Church, Woodstock, New York, 1806-2006 [Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2006], Chapter 9. (Close)
President's Report [by Paul Keller]. We as a congregation split over the frequency and delivery of communion. And we didn't always direct our concerns to the church leaders for an attempt at resolution.…

[We] have accomplished many important… tasks, such as the ramp that makes the church handicapped accessible; the interior fireproofing, and additional and rehabilitated exits that put our structure in compliance with the state fire code.…

Finally, this coming year I challenge all of us… to put our minds and wills to stopping rumors, talking more openly to each other, asking questions when we don't know or understand, and becoming more actively involved in our church functions and committees.

Rest Home Visitations [by Erwin Holumzer]. It is with joy that I can report about our continued monthly visits to the Lake Hill and Woodstock Manor Rest Homes for this past year--1983-84.… Our visits, usually three quarters of an hour to one hour at each home, include devotional services consisting of hymns, psalms, scripture, sermonets and a prayer.… Much appreciation to those who have gone with us on a regular basis and to Elsa Holumzer for playing the piano.

According to church historian Mark Anderson, Pastor Jetto is an excellent liturgist. As well as his fine voice, he has an intuitive as well as a schooled grasp of liturgy.

[ Plaque on the piano ] Historian Anderson documented our acquisition of the current piano(2):

Quoted in ibid., pp. 157-58. (Close)
Although Barbara Pickhardt was one of the prime movers in the acquisition of the organ, she has always considered herself to be more at home with the piano. For more than a century, the church had always had a piano as well as the small reed organs for use during services. In 1984, the congregation decided to invest in a small, modern grand piano for the chancel to provide for more flexibility in the music program. Susan Balzer, a member of the church, was an accomplished musician who also served as an organist for other churches. After her death, her husband, member Bob Balzer, established a memorial fund in her name to purchase a piano. Also memorialized in this fund were Mel Pickhardt, Charles Schoeps, and Jennifer Smith.… The piano is… the instrument used most often for choir anthem accompaniments.
To see an enlargement of the piano's dedication plaque, click the picture.

The Woodstock Region in 1984

This is a placeholder for information on our region during this year. The information will come soon. The footnote at the end of this sentence is also a placeholder; please don't click it.(2)

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The United States in 1984

[ Ronald Reagan ]

Ronald Reagan (Republican) was President. The 98th Congress was in session. A dollar in that year would be worth $1.88 in 2006 for most consumable products.

This is a placeholder for information on the United States during this year. The information will come soon. The footnote at the end of this sentence is also a placeholder; please don't click it.(3)

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The World at Large in 1984

The U.S. Commerce Department issued a license for export to Iraq, under the control of dictator Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti, 47, of aflatoxin, usable in biological weapons.

This is a placeholder for information on the world at large during this year. The information will come soon. The footnote at the end of this sentence is also a placeholder; please don't click it.(4)

This is a placeholder footnote. (Close)


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